Do You Prioritise Continuous Professional Development?


As a small business owner you may find it difficult to take the time out for training and development.

This can be for many reasons. But this is an important question..… Why should people spend their money and invest in your product or service, if you're not investing in you?

People's horses and dogs are precious to them. So they want reassurance that you'll give their animal the best possible service.

If you’re a member of a professional association there may be requirements set by them. Most need you to complete regular continuous professional development. This can be necessary to keep membership and ensure your skills are as up to date as they can be.

Have you got a coach or mentor? There’s many business coaches and mentors all around the world - and many who offer online support too. They can help fine tune your mindset and approach to developing your business. And help you to identify your goals.

Money could be an issue for you. But there are some excellent books available to help you. Is developing your mindset an area of growth for you? Then I recommend Niyc Pidgeon’s book “30 days to live your happiest life” - take a look online at Amazon here.

By investing in yourself. Whether that's through training courses, books or coaching. Then it can transform the quality of your work and relationships. Many of the world’s most successful people are learners. Always striving to learn and develop themselves.

Be Inspired

Here are some articles that I've found online, which maybe interesting reading for you:

Forget The 10,000-Hour Rule; Edison, Bezos, & Zuckerberg Follow The 10,000-Experiment Rule

The power of doing nothing at all

Regards, Suzanne

About The Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.